All my coaching services start with an indepth consultation. Without this we're going in blind, like shooting from the hip without any real aim or direction. In this consulation I'll ask you about your history (training, lifestyle, diet, injury, illnesses etc) to get an understanding of where you are now. This is a great chance for you to ask me questions too though, it's important that we're aligned with one another as to the direction, pace and processes involved in us working together. By the end this initial consulation my hope is that you have a clear understanding of my philosophy and whether you feel working with me is right for you. I will always be open and honest, and if in the worst case I feel you'd be better suited to another professional, I will refer you over to someone in my network. All initial consulations are free and i must stress there is ABSOLUTELY no obligation to buy at this point. This is a pressure free, creative space that allows you to come to your own conclusions.
All coaching services come with a 1 month love it or leave it guarantee! If after 1 month you decide we're really not suited to one another, I'll refund you the entire month's coaching.

Online coaching
Our initial consultation will take place online however if you are local to Manchester I'm more than happy to do this in person! Online coaching is provided remotely however this is a collabertive service and one where I encourage questions and conversation. I take time to engage with you frequently whether it be on one of our monthly consulations (a great place for us to discuss and look at long term patterns that develop in exercise, nutrition and lifestyle) or via voice note/messenger. It's these conversations that really help us to build a great coach-client relationship and find your version of success.
This is a truly bespoke service, for example, if the program written for you were given to someone else, it simply wouldn't work or make sense. It's personalised so much that it only fits your life. Think of it as a 'no stone left unturned approach.' I want to provide you with a top class result that in the end leaves YOU autonomous or 'functionally independent' - My ultimate goal for you is to free you from the anxiety of not knowing how manage your own training! After me I want you to feel confident you'll never need a coach again.
I'm here to help you with the long term. However there are no big upfront commitments or tie in's. It's on me to help you understand that everyone has different starting points, rates of progression and biases that have to be overcome. All of which mean true, impactful results.
Click here to enquire and book a consultation with me.
Price: £175-200 monthly
1 to 1 coaching
One to one coaching takes place at the gym at Parthian Climbing (St. Benedicts Church just off Hyde Road, Manchester). In this beautiful old church with stained glass windows lies a cosy yet fully stocked gym (see pictures below).
The same consulation process applies to this as does to my Online coaching however this services allows you to train with my right by your side.
Many beginners prefer starting with this option as it gives people a safe place to develop confidence in being in a gym environment. I'll also be there to provide instant feedback with movements so if you're unsure with something, there's no delay in (for example) movements being corrected. However this isn't necessarily a service oley for beginners, many intermediate/advanced level trainee's take up this option too because they just like being coached in person. Additionally from a purely technique focussed perspective (gym or climbing based) , this is many people's preferred option
A fully customised program is written for you to follow off the back of our initial consultation and again like all my coaching we look at more than just your training, we look at the whole picture (nutrition, lifestyle etc). Again there are NO long term committments or big upfront costs involved.
Click here to enquire and book a consultation with me.
Price: £180-£360 monthly